You may occasionally find yourself in an uncomfortable situation when an employer is entirely depriving you of the rights you have as a worker. In other cases, you can be having a negative interaction with a worker and want it to end. Fortunately, you can resolve all of these problems with the aid of the Labour Court Dubai.
In this article, will go over how the Dubai Labor Court operates and everything you need to understand to lodge a case. If it is necessary, either the employer or the employee may file a complaint.
However, they need to be aware of the prerequisites for documentation, justification, and legal window of opportunity. Let us observe.
Labour Court Dubai Fees:
Regardless of the outcome of the case, if an employer files a lawsuit, they are responsible for covering the court costs. The typical court fee is 5% of the total amount you are seeking.
If an employee files a case, they are not responsible for any court costs. They must also pay an additional 5% of the total amount in dispute if it exceeds the standard amount.
People must pay all court fees when a verdict is over. These costs must be disclosed at the conclusion of the case and will be stated in the judgment statement.
The Labour Court Dubai may be expensive for both parties to file and defend claims. It is wise to think about this aspect before filing a lawsuit.
Labour Court Dubai Length and Judgement:
The length of the UAE Labour court process can change because of a number of variables. Including the complexity of the case, the reachability of all parties, and the heavy workload of the court.
With a reduced claim amount, the Dubai Labour Court’s Remote Litigation Service enables quicker settlement of labor disputes.
Both sides can attend hearings conducted by a judicial officer utilizing internet connection, and decisions are typically ready within 24 hours.
Labour Court Dubai Lawyer Representation:
Even though it is not necessary to file a lawsuit before The Court of First Instance, most litigants do so if they are not native Arabic speakers or are not conversant with Arabic legal jargon.
In order to acquire and evaluate all paperwork evidence and to change or modify arguments as the claim develops, consulting a law professional is also beneficial.
When it comes to law companies, it is crucial to rely on the best representation in Dubai. Ensure that the law firm you choose has success representing clients in situations like the one you would be facing.
The courtroom is only accessible to Emirati attorneys and competent experts from other Arab nations
labor law of the Emirate prohibits this kind of conduct.
On the other side, the Labour Court Dubai will also accept it if the employers cancel an employment contract without giving their employees a 30-day grace period.
How do I make a complaint against a worker?
Making a complaint is simple and quick in the UAE. You may be sure that the MoHRE will look into your complaint after submitting. To address the problem, you could also be necessary to speak with your employer. There are three ways you can submit the complaint.
Before filing a complaint, Connect Resources advises you to hire professionals. When it concerns to bringing a case, hiring an expert in the field will really benefit you. This is due to the expert’s knowledge on how to win the lawsuit.
MoHRE’s Call Alternative:
You can contact the authorities at their official MoHRE toll free number as a first step. A representative from the contact center will answer your queries and enquire about your problem.
Your issue will be forwarded to the Department of Complaint and Advise if the representative is unable to rapidly fix it. After the office has rectified the matter, your petition will be closed.
As a result, your case will be turned into a formal complaint if the department cannot fix it.
MoHRE’s Online Alternative:
You have the option of filing an online complaint in Labour Court or through the MoHRE’s contact center. The use of this service is open to both employees and employers. Here is what you need to do if you choose this choice.
Visit their website, select the Labor Complaints option, and then launch the service. You will receive a series of inquiries in response that you must answer with details about your case. You must wait at least ten days for a response after submitting everything.
The technology transformation we are all experiencing is represented by both of these alternatives. These days, we can complete the process without leaving our homes.
Nevertheless, you must remain aware of the rules and laws that apply to the internet. Online defamation is equally severe as traditional defamation when it comes to penalties. There is no need to fiddle with it.
Tasheel Service Center:
You can also travel directly to Tasheel Service Centers if you prefer to interact with people in person. You will file the lawsuit against your employer there. But if you go with this choice, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.
Bring all of your supporting documents, including your job contract, with you. In order for them to verify your status, you must also provide your work permit and visa.
Keep in mind that you must supply all of your contact information.After registering a complaint, you have two days to try to resolve the issue.
dubai labour court number
Do you want to know more about Labour Court Dubai and how to file complaints? Contact us! Give us a call at +971 43 316 688 or send us an email at
Time table labour court
Monday 6:30 am–2:30 pm
Tuesday 6:30 am–2:30 pm
Wednesday 6:30 am–2:30 pm
Thursday 6:30 am–2:30 pm
Friday 7:30–11:30 am
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed